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Energy management is the means of controlling and reducing your organization's energy consumption, and hence, its energy costs. Reduce carbon emissions and the environmental damage that they cause and reduce risk that energy price increases or supply shortages could seriously affect your profitability.





Energy Audits

Complete audit procedures, as proposed by ASHRAE, at three different levels vary in depth.


Level 1 

  • Brief on-site survey of the building

  • Savings and cost analysis of low-cost/no-cost Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs)

  • Identification of potential capital improvements meriting further consideration


Level 2 

  • More detailed building survey

  • Breakdown of energy use

  • Savings and cost analysis of all ECMs

  • Identification of ECMs requiring more thorough data collection and analysis (Level 3)


Level 3 

  • Attention to capital-intensive projects identified during the Level 2 audit

  • More detailed field analysis

  • More rigorous engineering analysis

  • Cost and savings calculations with a high level of accuracy

Measurement and Verification

Ours Certified Measurement and Verification Professionals will ensure the creation and implementation of a successful M&V Plan, adapted to your strategic energy management and in compliance with the 2014 version of the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP®).

Power Quality Analysis

Power Quality is a measure of how well a system supports reliable operation of its loads. A power disturbance or event can involve voltage, current, or frequency. Power disturbances can originate in consumer power systems, consumer loads, or the utility.

What is a Power Disturbance?

Power disturbances are defined in terms of magnitude and duration. Disturbances range from transients that last for microseconds to outages that continue for hours. When a power disturbance falls outside operating limits, equipment may be disrupted or damaged.  


The Costs of Poor Power Quality can be Significant!

  • Lost production: Each time production is interrupted, your business loses profit on product that is not manufactured and sold.

  • Damaged product: Interruptions can damage a partially complete product, causing the material to be re-run or scrapped.

  • Energy cost: Electric utilities may charge penalties on poor power factor or high peak demands.


Good to know: How best to manage your energy consumption?


We identified four steps to the energy-management process above:


  1. Metering your energy consumption and collecting the data

    As a rule of thumb: the more data you can get, and the more detailed it is, the better. Detailed interval energy consumption data makes it possible to see patterns of energy waste that it would be impossible to see otherwise.


  2. Finding and quantifying opportunities to save energy

    The detailed meter data that you are collecting will be invaluable for helping you to find and quantify energy-saving opportunities. We've written an article that explains more about how to analyze your meter data to find energy waste.


  3. Targeting the opportunities to save energy

    Just finding the opportunities to save energy won't help you to save energy - you have to take action to target them.

    For those energy-saving opportunities that require you to motivate the people in your building, our program on energy awareness should be useful. It can be hard work, but, if you can get the people on your side, you can make some seriously big energy savings without investing anything other than time.


  4. Tracking your progress at saving energy

    Once you've taken action to save energy, it's important that you find out how effective your actions have been: 
    Energy savings that come from behavioural changes (e.g. getting people to switch off their computers before going home) need ongoing attention to ensure that they remain effective and achieve their maximum potential.

    If you've invested money into new equipment, you'll probably want to prove that you've achieved the energy savings you predicted.



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